Crossroad: A Social Sculpture
by Derrick Adams

Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NE
February 4 – May 14, 2016

Multidisciplinary artist Derrick Adams presents the third iteration of his ongoing radio station project. At the Bemis Center, the radio station is attached to a life-size, interactive game board. Comparable to musical chairs, the game calls for visitors to move across the board to the beat of the music, which includes selections from jazz, blues, rock, classical, R&B, rap, and pop. When the music stops, the deejay/game host poses questions about historical facts gathered from library books as well as from residents of Omaha. Using the space of the exhibition, Adams aims to temporarily dissolve cultural boundaries of knowledge that may separate one person from another. Visit the project Tumblr:


The World Is a Mirror of My Freedom


Everyday Static Transmissions